This past Sunday Pastor Ernest continued on with the idea of Epic Worship with Epic Responses.

David was man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22).
Epic Worship & Epic Responses (1 Chronicles 21:1-27)
Altars of Worship
     1.     David’s Altar
     2.     Abraham’s Altar
     3.     Able & Cain’s Altar (Genesis 4:3-7, Hebrews 11:4)
     4.     Elijah’s Altar
Personal Altar (Romans 12:1, John 4:23-24)
What is true worship?
     1.     Gives God the best
     2.     Mixed with faith
     3.     Involves repentance
     4.     Done with the heart
     5.     With humility
     6.     In a biblical way
     7.     Related rightly with others

Direct download: Sermon08262012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:53am EDT